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2 participants

Date d'inscription : 31/12/2010
Age : 37
Localisation : milano italia

migration??? Empty
MessageSujet: migration???   migration??? EmptyVen 31 Déc 2010 - 3:43

hello, i m daniele and i m italian. today i read newspaper and on it there was an interesting article on your association and on your work;
in particular it says that the association have big problems in founding people to worck on the bretagne' s coasts to defending the 'sternes' migration, caused by the new french laws, the newspaper also said that no one wants to do that work now.. but, when i read on this site about the association and when i saw the big interest of all the members, i didn't believe the words of the journal.
however, can someone give me some information or contacts on this work???????
i don t have bigs experience but really my real dream it s to work in contact with nature and animals, and for this i can also work free and i'm willing to leave my actually work for this.
okey i think that this post is completely uselss but at least i tried!!!!
hello everyone good luck!
sorry for my english.yeah.
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Section de Douarnenez

Date d'inscription : 22/06/2010
Localisation : Porte du Cap Sizun

migration??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: migration???   migration??? EmptyVen 31 Déc 2010 - 9:43

Hello Daniele, good morning,
The adress for the "gardiennage de sternes" is here:
www.life-sterne-dougall.org / www.bretagne-vivante.org
Or www.life-sterne-dougall.org/accueil_sterne.php
Fichiers joints
migration??? Attachmentannonce gardiens sternes 2011_ok[1].pdf
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